*Grumble Grumble*

The Virginia Tech massacre - Full coverage by virtually every major news broadcasting corp and making headlines across SG papers for 2 days running. So how come when a car bomb goes off and kills 199 people in Iraq, the only mention of it is via a text marquee/scrollbar at the bottom of the screen on channel newsasia?


"The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward." - John Maynard Keynes


Biggest BS of the week

Lifted from another's blog. This I post with copious disdain.

"It probably doesn't sound very adult, but the truth is, the large part of me lives only for the now. Because, really, what's the point in worrying about the later, when now is the only thing that will ever matter?"

Why bother justifying your current predicament by lying to yourself? I can accept the people that are happy being in their "comfort zones" (though barely), but not those that come up with shady reasons to absolve themselves of the guilt for not having the discipline to be honest about their shortcomings and buck up in lfe. And at the risk of sounding arrogant, I'm actually glad that there's one less person in the world for me to contend with on my way up.

You know what they say - "Life without a dream is like a sailboat without a stream."



Darker than Black replaces Code Geass every thursday at 2600hrs(that's friday 2am, no typo). While I'm not expecting it to be as divine as CG, I am looking forward to a good plot and the consistent, high quality animation that BONES studio is known for. And hey, the ending theme's sung by Rie-Fu btw.


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