Published Sunday, September 23, 2007 by Mark Koh.
Prison Break Season 3!!!
Picking up where the last season finale left off, Michael now finds himself smack in the middle of scumville (oh the irony). The prison of Sona is such a wretched place of villainy - the law has cleared out and the inmates are left to run the prison themselves. As a result, differences are resolved by throwing chicken feet at each other, and brawling to the death.
And then there's Lechero, the new bad guy in town. Michael, being the superstar that he is on CNN, soon attracts the attention of the powerful drug kingpin that runs the place. And Michael soon finds himself set up for a chicken feet brawl in the short 24 hours that he's spent in Sona. That, and the fact he's trapped in this hellhole with three of his most favourite people in the world make this an excellent season opener.
And then, when the episode is over, I scream at my screen, "GAME ON, GAME MOTHERF****NG ON!!!" Because seriously, what a great set up for the season. Except if you're Michael, that is.
Lechero offering Mahone a chicken foot
Published Friday, September 21, 2007 by Mark Koh.
Looking Back.
No whys. Just felt like posting a pic.
Published Wednesday, September 12, 2007 by Mark Koh.
The Things Auditors Do
Small Fish (Xiao Yu) explains that the following nonsensical double entry can be used in attempts to perpetuate fraud.
Dr Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE)
Cr Sales
WTF right? Any accountant in their right mind would laugh at this "I'm trying to capitalise my sales" entry. But wait.
Assume these three sets of entries were passed: -
Dr PPE $x
Cr Cash $x
(Being PPE bought during the year on cash terms)
Dr Accounts Receivable $x
Cr Sales $x
(Being Credit sales - duh.)
Dr Cash $x
Cr Accounts Receivable $x
(Being settlement of AR)
All these transactions were taken up for the same amount.
Now try netting off the credits and debits and what do u get?
Dr PPE, Cr Sales!
So people. We've now learnt that by passing more than one instance of the above mambo-jumbo double entries below an auditor's materiality treshhold, fraud becomes much harder to detect.
You did not read this here.