Odex - Bringing out the lawyer in all of us

...And I bring to you the auditor within me. Odex recently declared on tuesday that the list of anime downloaders is much less than the 3,000 being stated and that fines to the alleged offenders "have not covered even 20% of it's enforcement costs to date." In a newpaper article on Odex, Mr. Peter Go said that fines collected to were used to reimburse Odex's legal and administrative expenses; as well as to meet it's obligations to it's trade creditors - i.e. paying the local ISPs for ID-ing users and the U.S. Company for it's tracking services.

I have no way of knowing if the abovementioned figures are true. But assuming that they are, and that Odex plans to recover the entirety of its expenses through fines; then it would nullify the argument of absolving one's guilt should they purchase all their previously downloaded anime with titles falling under Annex B.
And moreever, how does Odex even plan how much of a fine is required to cover their costs?

(arrgh. mgr calling me.)


The iPhone, work, etc, etc,

So much to write about, so little time. gah. Anyway, here's a quick update on me.

1) Some genius brought about a class action lawsuit against the Apple and AT&T about the *ahem*...enclosed battery. How he managed to pool together the people to do it, I don't know. How he has the energy to do something like this, I don't know. - But I can't say I'm surprised by this.

2) Work

...is great. period. I am given the freedom to make decisions and accept a shitload of responsibility. And that means alot to me.

3) Investments

Yongnam closed at 40c today. It's 1HFY2007 net profit surged 7-fold to 19million. Coupled with an exceptional gain of 12.7m from a provision write back and a 133.7% jump in operational profit, some people reading this blog must be laughing their way to the bank.

4) CFA

is underway. I just wish I had a little more annual leave/time-off-in-lieu I could use before that big exam day in december.

5) The Laptop

ya. I bought it. "it" being a macbook pro 15".

In summary, I'm really really happy with life right now. and I hope you are with yours too. Have a great week ahead.



Or not. I feel like shit today. The kind that sticks on a whitewashed wall and that leaves a brown trail as it slowly slides down. Plus I have a dinner, KoF and supper tonight. Throw in badminton tomorrow, and I'll probably be like lao(4) sai(4)by noon tomorrow afternoon.


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