Last post on the jerk

Update: BC's nick last night :"~i know this sounds stupid, but someone said you would change if i block you, so i might". -> With good reason, I assume this is directed at me. Anyway, this is coming from the same person that once remarked "don't be stupid enough to let people know you blocked them". How double standard is that?

One thing you learn while you're walking the steps is to never outsource the blame that belongs in your own backyard. If there's ever changing to be done, I'm sure people would agree that you need more changing than me. Alot more.

Also, if you want to block, do it. You don't have to quote off others since you never cared about their opinions in the first place. You know who I'm talking about.


To be daring, you must be stupid!

Dear reader. This post is important, because it is the first to be written about someone that has continuously pissing me off despite being given an abundance of 2nd chances. This person will be referred to as “BC” in this post. To understand what’s going on, you have to read the post before this first.

Now take the look at the personal message related to the nick below, which was posted less than 24 hours after my previous post.

Sign reads: Don't be stupid enough to let people know you blocked em

After seeing that, I msged him on MSN. This is what ensued: -

ME: you know, it might not be a good idea to put that nick up, just in case the person in question chances upon it. Consequences could be dire you know. XD
BC: how so, when that person already doesn't favour me? anyway, it doesn't matter.
Me: Wouldn't you be doing the same thing as what that person did if you put that on your nick as well? hmmm
BC: at least i am daring enough to admit it. not like some cowardly shadow... haha okay lah i will remove it
Me: Such energy as well. If I had that amount of energy, I'd spend it on (besides studies) being a better person, you know, just so that I don't get blocked.
BC: like i said, i dont care.

The person mentioned in the previous post is a stalker, and do note the fact that I have used nicknames instead of the real names to mask their identity.
So the burning question to Mr. BC is, how can you pass your bloody impaired judgment on an incident whose full story you do not know?

Let’s break the whole thing down:

1) If BC says he doesn’t care, then what the hell is he doing visiting my blog?

2) If BC says that he’s daring enough to admit putting up that nick and being confronted, (which to me, is akin to blocking people and getting confronted), why does he say that it’s stupid to let people know you blocked them? Maybe one must be daring to admit to something stupid.

3) If BC says he doesn’t care, why stir up trouble AFTER visiting my blog?

4) Obviously, the cowardly shadow (actually I think the nick is cool) BC is referring to is me- Because after all the chances I gave him, putting up with his bad sportsmanship, his myopic view of issues and the way he treats people, after putting up with all that, he disappoints. And thus I block him. Now which idiot in the world would tell another that he blocked them? But since it’s come to this, I feel that it is necessary that I explain my stance on blocking individuals.

If you do find yourself not seeing me for sometime, you know you’ve been blocked, and I will only do that when you push me over the edge and never for fun. Having said that, there are varying reasons for initiating a block, for example, if you had someone frequently ask you for favours over MSN and in real life for almost a decade, would you have blocked him? Not that I hate the guy for doing that, but it makes my life a whole lot simpler. I still see some of the people I block in real life, and things haven’t changed.

And now this. Since you like to visit my blog so much (even though you say you don’t care), Mr. BC, a good portion of this post is dedicated to you, your complaints on life and the issue of why you can’t maintain friendships/relationships. I could go a lot deeper into the things you’ve done, but I think you’ve been embarrassed enough after reading this post in an online poke-fest you started first.

So go on, prove me wrong.


The only people that get called stalkers...are the ones that get caught!

In an amazing display of effective situational problem-solving yesterday, AE suggested that (upon request by nmfj that we trade phone numbers) we trade MSN contacts instead! Yes, you haved saved all our asses.

The only obvious step that remains now, of course, is to talk with him over MSN for a little while, then block the hell out of him.

Anyway, I get the feeling that the upcoming week is gonna be pretty entertaining. Thanks to SOMEONE. (yes, I know you read this space)


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