Blog Test *poke*

Don’t get too happy yet –all of you out there- ‘cause this isn’t really an update. Yours truly is testing if the most popular internet blog is a-ok with me in publishing my writing now.

Ahhh what the heck…

I guess I’ll make this into an official update after all, since most of ya all will probably spew expletives after surfing here only to find a sloppy (albeit new) post.
So what have I been up to besides studying lately? Nothing. There is not-a-thing that I do consistently enough and/or put enough commitment into to warrant a space on this blog. I have been attending quite a few weddings lately though, and I must say that events like these do have the potential of burning a hole in your pocket and permanently damaging your liver. I should also mention that the 6 weddings in this quarter both involve couples aged 26 and below. (sorry guys, no shotguns)

The benefits of getting married early you ask? HDB and tax benefits of course.



Stop getting married people. I don't have enough money for all your ang pows. Can't you at least schedule it after CNY so that you can get another round of red packets from your relatives?


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ATOM 0.3