Published Wednesday, August 30, 2006 by Mark Koh.
"If you rolled over twice you'd be in Bintan." ... Lan Cheow.
And since most of the skinny folk out there like to compare me with the likes of my pet turtle, I thought they'd be elated if I posted shots of Princess Rascal(that's her name) in the nude. Enjoy, you sick bastards.
Published Monday, August 21, 2006 by Mark Koh.
And all good things eventually come to an end.
My favourite blog, Random Curiosity, is facing the possibility of closing down. At present, the author has generated 3.7 million hits, clocked 20,000 comments and wrote 1056 entries over the past 4 years, of which I throghly enjoy reading. Posts are frequent and very updated, with the english being relatively good and having a constant "flow" throughout as well. If asked to rate, I'd give this site a 5/5 star rating. 'Cause no other blog (on whatever subject matter) really comes close. I mean hey, how often do you find 2-5 posts of bleeding-edge stuff of a thousand plus words each fresh off a blog everyday?
Not often.
So it is with great sorrow that I bid a (possible) farewell to what I'd consider the best blogger around. Not Xiaxue, Malkin, Maddox or (heck) Sash, but to some 4th year Oxford undergrad whose name I do not even know. The anime community will mourn your loss.
And at the risk of sounding like an otaku, does anyone watch Honey and Clover?
Published Thursday, August 03, 2006 by Mark Koh.
They say that life is like a box of chocolates,
And that you never know what you're gonna get.
Lan Cheow. So much for meaningful metaphors. When I buy chocolates from the store I am supposed to know EXACTLY what's inside because of the picture on the cover of the box, and you can bet your next month's pay that there won't be a durian, lychee or mangosteen there when you open it. ARRRGGGGHHHH!
You actually have more control over you life than you think. So screw forest Gump and his excuses.