Published Thursday, January 26, 2006 by Mark Koh.
It's a little late, but...
I never make new year resolutions because it all seems just a little too arbitrary. A year is a measurement of time, but it is by no means any true measurement of life. What really matters is how you spend each present moment in each present day. And if you happen to notice something about yourself that you believe could use some fixing, then why bother waiting until the beginning of a new week, month, or even a year to start shaping up? The present is highly underrated.
Having said that, I feel compelled to announce (rather sheepishly) that I have, in fact, made a resolution for the new year. I resolve to write more in my blog this year. It's not as if I have a fulltime job or anything, so there's really no excuse for my neglecting this modest online journal. So wish me luck, kids, and let's all toast to the new year. May it treat us well.
I worry too much?
Am I the only one that finds it disturbing that people speak without even thinking about what they're saying? It drives me crazy when people say, "I could care less." If you could care less, then that would imply that you are in fact interested. To be able to care less suggests that you have so much surplus interest in a matter, you could actually afford to
lose some interest as if it were spare change or dead weight. The proper expression is, "I
couldn't care less," which effectively conveys one's disgusted disinterest.
Friends tell me I shouldn't get so worked up over trivial things like this. They tell me that there are far worse problems in the world to worry about if I insist on agonizing over something. After all, the little things in life shouldn't be regarded as anything larger than what they truly are. In the grand scheme of things, I guess quibbles like this really are too small to sweat. Maybe my friends are right. [sarcasm] Perhaps I really could care less.[/sarcasm]
Published Thursday, January 19, 2006 by Mark Koh.
These days
Some people have early morning epiphanies, others have late afternoon realizations and a few of us have post midnight seizures that involve us hitting the buttons on the console(Gato's LDM) so loudly till strangers start staring.