-There is bound to be one in every class - Jason.
By popular belief, boys that have gone through the 2 ½ years of NS have emerged to become hardened, well-built mature men, capable of defending our nation’s soil and protecting their loved ones from blah blah…
Sadly, this is bullshit.
And now, I warmly introduce to you cause of my past 4 months of pain, agony, white hair, crooked dick, the cause of the Japanese attacking Singapore , the mad cow disease and the 9/11 incident; the one and only Marcus Ong.

Q: OMG! Who is this Marcus Ong? I want to be his friend!!
Go make friends with flesh eating bacteria, at least they have better conversational skills. Like the cockroach (btw, only female cockroaches fly) that flies around your soup during dinner, Marcus hovers around you and tries to make conversation(which he has problems holding up) the moment you make eye contact. Despite my BEST EFFORTS to siam him, he always finds me; I ALWAYS try to cut it short, he ALWAYS tries to prolong it, and we ALWAYS, ALWAYS end it with me feeling pissed. Btw, did I mention he’s joining next year’s sg idol?

(at a 5 min break during a tax lecture)
MO: Hey Mark! (after hovering around for 5 mins or so)
Me: huh? Yeah?
MO: So you know how the lecture on royalties relate to Singapore idol?
Me: uh no.
MO: you know how some singers become famous and… (he then gives me the dictionary definition of ‘royalties’, in broken, but still comprehensible English.)
So the singer either get the lower of 10% of the revenue from CD sales or (insert some incomprehensible phrase here)
Me: Sala liao(wrong already). It’s given as a TAX CONCESSION and is the lower of 10% of the tax royalties or the net royalty income. And really, I don’t see how this relates to sg idol.

This was me, today.

This was yesterday during a 15 min corporate law lecture break:
MO: So are you going to start soon? ‘Cause if you are, I won’t go to make my phone call. I don’t want to miss anything important
Lecturer: no no, you go ahead.
MO: But I know that…
(This is where I happen to walk pass and see the lecturer’s stressed face)
Me: Just go and make your call. (walks away after saying my bit)
MO: Mark! Mark!
Me: (turns around) Huh?
MO: (Talking loudly)I don’t want to miss a single word of what (insert lecturer’s name here) is teaching. IF my phone call is going to cause me to blah blah…

And that, THAT was what prompted this blog entry.

I’ll blog more about him in time to come. Wah lan, You’d think that I would better things to do than type a hatemail.


Problems Problems Problems

I come back after my 2 month break, only to find that doodle-board is upgrading itself. I guess I'll hang around awhile before I decide to change msg board providers, meanwhile; leave your comments, well wishings, love mail, hate mail and blackmail in the 'comments' link after every posting.

Ciao man.


Why you should never lend money to friends.

It pangs me to type this, but anyway; just yesterday a friend (Paul) and I were on the topic of lending money to friends. I shared with him a motto that I've formed of recent - never lend money to friends or borrow from banks- if you die die (very singlish, I know) have to help out this friend, then expect not to get your money back. Now why is this?
To make the issue easier to comprehend, think of the agreement between you and your friend as a contract; the essentials of which are;
there must be
1. A definate offer
2. A definate acceptance
3. Consideration (this usually means the price in exchange for which something is provided, in the example here, we're not interested in 'good' or 'bad' consideration.)
4. An intention to create a legal relationship(which isn't relevant here)

Let's say your good friend, the offerer, makes an offer(a promise to be bound on specific terms) to you. He's currently cash strapped and would like a loan of $200/-, promising to return the loan on by his next payday. You assent to the terms of his offer and fork out your hard earned $200 in crisp $50 bills.

ok, what just happened?
What are you, the offeree(or lender) getting in return?
More often then not, you feel good about helping someone in need, and in more ways than one, you're happy to help him out with his troubles. So he gets the money, you get to be happy, and there we have it, a good contract. wtf. (I'm aware that friendship isn't good consideration, but lets just play along)

Problems arise when there is a delay of payment. your friend can't bear to part with his money and hence, pushes back the deadline. This is when you go after him like a bloodhound, pressing him for payment. Strain on the friendship? Yes. Will you still get your money back? Maybe. When that someone doesn't repay or misses an installment, I bust his chops. He owes me money, and I'm getting it back. If I have to get aggressive, it means that friend has broken the covenant of my friendship and no longer deserves patience and sympathy.

If you die die really have to help a friend out by giving him a loan, stop and think abit before you jump in. Is the amount material? Is that friend of yours a good credit risk?

So this entry is abit dark. Bite me.


Welcome Back!!!

Yes, I'm back, and this time in full technicolour! *burps*


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