Published Tuesday, October 19, 2004 by Mark Koh.
If I ruled the world
Sometimes I think the world be far better off if more people thought like me. Then I get to fantasizing on a larger scale, and I begin to think that the world would surely harmonize if only everybody thought the way I did. But that kind of reasoning can get pretty dangerous. Only despots and high-powered zealots would dare to make attempts in fulfilling that kind of goal. Unfortunately, there actually are despots and zealots in the world today that are doing just that. If only more people thought like me, we wouldn't have that problem. If only I could make the world to see things the way that I do, they'd see just how wrong they've been all this time.
Wait a minute, I'm back to where I started. I don't seem to be getting anywhere, do I?
Published Wednesday, October 06, 2004 by Mark Koh.
The Kiasu Singaporean
The story begins with me standing at the MRT station waiting for the train to arrive. The time is now 1730 and the station we're talking about here is Somerset. I look at the LCD display hanging above and make note of the train that should be arriving in 2 minutes; then lazily drag myself to the train doors.
So I'm now in front of the doors, with approximately 7-8 people surrounding me, an amount that's normal for rush hour. I can see it on their faces; everyone's looking forward to a nice, warm bath and a relaxing evening on their couch after a hectic day's work. So we quietly, and peacefully, wait for the train to arrive. Life was good.
Suddenly this auntie in her mid-forties appears from behind and, like the green tree snake she is, slithers to the front; her 150cm height and small build making it easy for her to duck under our armpits and slide along the marble floor. She only stops when she's right infront of the carriage doors, leaving a gap no bigger than 5cm between the doors and the tip of her nose. I swear she could have touched the doors with her forked tongue had she stuck it out.
Obviously displeased by this, I expressed my distaste for the matter by letting out a loud "Tsk" and showing her my "buay song" looks in the reflection of the polished carriage doors. As if responding to my actions, she gave a smug look(think pitbull) and rolled her eyes up.
Published Saturday, October 02, 2004 by Mark Koh.
What happened to Haloscan?
I come back 1 week later hoping to blog, only to realise that haloscan, the service that provides the commentary service for my blog, is down. As if that weren't bad enough, some pro-independence party just burned my state flag yesterday. crud.