The King of Fighters 2003 - A Mini FAQ
Ever been beaten by 16 before? Ever feel that the guy that you're playing with is simply too strong for you to beat? Fear not! this mini FAQ teaches one how to gain an upper hand at KOF, written because of the recent success rate I have acheived through hours of painstaking "fakes". And now, without further a due,
Rule no. 1 Break him.
Like other games, KOF also has a groove that you need to get into. High level players are generally good at stuff like concentrating, getting into rhythm and all that shit. So what do you do? irritate the hell out of him. Disrupt his flow, break his rhythm.
Talk Cock
The keyword here is Cock, which means rubbish. It is mandatory that you do this if you ever hope to beat the shit out of him. While it does seem like a more practical idea to ask your opponent for his cute sister's handphone number, it's best to keep the cock-talking relevant to KOF, this gives the impression that you're just talkative; rather than you trying to be funny.
When exercising rule 1, remember to avoid complicated english phrases. A large majority of top-end players are Singlish speaking Singaporeans and hokkien swearing bengs. Here's a scenario to illustrate my point.
[on your opponent's Ryo's Tenchi Haohken connecting(this is his LDM qcfx2 AC for those of you that don't know)]
You: Lucky guess, the Tenchi haohken makes one invulnerable on the 1st-3th frames upon execution. good call.
Saying this obviously wouldn't have much impact as "Wah lao, sibei sway, tyco kia."
Street punks do not understand technical terms like frames, invulnerable(wu(2) di(2) in punk speak) or even the phrase "good call", so remember to speak their language and irritate the fu*k out of them.
Rule No. 2: Gawd help me! His Kyo has 2 stocks!
So your opponent has you cornered, he has 2 stocks for his Mushiki LDM("Super special" in punk speak), you're left with half a bar of life left and no extra change in your pocket for another game; knowing that the next move could well decide the outcome of the game, do you
a)Play it cool and wait for him to screw up?
b)Apply Rule 1?
The answer is neither. Applying rule 1 here isn't going to help since you'll probably be caught in that DM within 3 seconds. Option A is a gamble, determined by your opponent's skill, so it really isn't feasible.
So how now, brown cow? you ask.
To understand how to counter, first understand how you're going to get hit
1)He's going to combo the (L)DM.
2)Your opponent deliberately creates an "opening", you see your chance and jump in to attack him, and thats when you get hit
I can't help you if you fall under (1), but here's how you do it if you fall under the latter catagory.
1)Wait for him to hang the bait. This can be Kyo's double kick, aragami combo, Ryo's DP, anything really.
2)Pretend to fall for it by doing the following
i) Quickly Jerk the joystick forward
ii)You should hear the stick hitting the wooden cabinet, make sure this sound is made audible to your opponent.
iii)Quickly jerk it joystick back to your original blocking motion. Creating the impression that you fell for your adversary's cheap trick.
If done correctly, you should see the screen explode in an array of fireworks as somebody does the DM. Note that between steps (i) to (iii), the image of your character does not budge. This means that it does not move forward(as in step i). Practice makes perfect.
Rule 2 and a half: My opponent caught on, help!
Your opponent caught on, and caught on he did.
Stale joke.
Anyway, he's already found out about your "jerking" style of playing. So what's next? For starters, here's an alternative:
Notice the conventional arcade cabinets have 6 buttons(for SF use, no doubt) but only 4 are in use for KOF.
As above, E and F are not used here. So, as per rule 2:
Pretend to fall for it(the move) by doing the following.
i)Jerk joystick forward, but this time do it lightly.
ii)Hit hard on Button F. again, make sure this is audible.
iii)move the stick back to your character's blocking position.
"This sounds cheap!" you say. au contraire.
Remember, ah-bengs have no honour, they just think they do. Sure he's going be sore losing to you after you apply rule 2(who wouldn't?), but that's all in the great scheme of things. There is nothing more gratifying then watching someone you hate exchange more quarters to further challenge you, only to be beaten by the same tactics again. He won't be playing as calmly in the rounds to come, and you can further irritate him by applying rule 1!
Your FAQ is splendid! How can I ever thank you?
Thank you! Your gratitude is all I need. Do remember never to circulate this FAQ to any KOF newbies because they're most likely to get beaten up if they practice the contents within.
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